
A List of 50 Things We Didn't Know Last Year

Fantastic synopsis of the year in knowledge 2009.  Some examples:

9. Babies pick up their parents' accents from the womb, and infants are born crying in their native dialect. Researchers found that French newborns cry in a rising French accent, and German babies cry with a characteristic falling inflection.

29. The human body emits a glow that is 1,000 times less than what our eyes can detect.

34. Nearly all animals emit the same stench when they die, and have done so for more than 400 million years.

38. A chemical component in broccoli can protect the lining of arteries from blockage that leads to angina, heart attack and stroke.

50. Watermelon is more efficient at rehydrating our bodies than drinking water. It contains 92 percent water and essential rehydration salts.

AT&T - 50 Things we know now that we didn't know this time last year

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