
Half Human and Half Virus; A New View

I have been sitting on this, trying to make sense of it.  Basically, we are the result of a DNA virus.  Have a great weekend!

Seriously, some interesting facts about what you are:

1. Scientists expected 100,000 genes in the human DNA, we found 20,000
2. 34% of those 20,000 genes are considered "junk" because they copy themselves but serve no function.
3. Half of the human genome can be traced to a virus.
4. The virus genes have shown to be vital to the formation of specific organs in the human body.

In short, it is interesting to note that retroviruses that have symbiosis with our DNA may have helped to shape our evolution and development.

I, virus: Why you're only half human - life - 29 January 2010 - New Scientist

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